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Music industry sustainability group Julie’s Bicycle and Arts Council England have announced details of the new Arts Council England Environmental Programme for 2023-26.

The programme, which they said will aim to accelerate and scale the sector’s response to the climate crises, will support NPOs, individuals and the wider cultural sector to take climate action.

The programme will provide leadership and skills development training, resources and free carbon calculation tools designed for the culture sector. It will also provide access to Julie’s Bicycles’ free resource library, featuring videos, guides, peer-sharings, reports, case studies and tips.

The new programmes will be focused on: decarbonisation for building-based organisations; building resilience to future changes in climate; and embedding environmental responsibility at governance level.

The programme can be found here.

Julie’s Bicycle CEO Alison Tickell said, “As the climate and nature crisis deepens, the cultural community is needed more than ever to focus our creativity on this moment and to help find the solutions that are urgently needed. Cultural voices across the sector are taking action in response to climate change. This programme has a transformational agenda to accelerate and scale creative climate action, and we want everyone to join us on this journey.”

Arts Council England chief executive Darren Henley said, “The programmes and resources that this ambitious partnership with Julie’s Bicycle provides will enable cultural organisations and practitioners
to address their environmental impact more effectively, and help us move towards a more resilient and sustainable future for the cultural sector.”