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Kilimanjaro Live, event manager, Simon Skelt on wether or not gigs can truly be sustainable.

Towards the end of last year Coldplay announced that they would not be touring their latest album, Everyday Life, until they find a way to make touring sustainable and actively beneficial. There’s been a major shift in the mentality towards the environmental impact of the live events industry over the past ten years and I wonder where the next decade will take us. 

Could it be that no suitable solution is found and Coldplay never tour again? I highly doubt it but it is promising to see an artist of their stature – their last tour reportedly being the fifth highest grossing of all time – laying down the gauntlet to all those involved in putting on large-scale events to come up with solutions to the global environmental problem to ensure we can enjoy events well into the distant future. As I mentioned in my October column, here at Kilimanjaro Live we’ve been paying particular attention to our environmental impact for the past few years and will continue to do so for all of our events from club shows to stadiums and green fields and hopefully in ten years’ time we’ll be well in to producing events and tours that are sustainable and actively beneficial to the environment.