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The Home Office is to host a series of workshops throughout the UK offering guidance and support ahead of the implementation on Martyn’s Law (also known as Protect Duty).

It said attending one of the workshops will allow participants to hear about plans for the upcoming legislation and help to scope how the legislation will work in practice, including opportunities to contribute to requirements on advice and guidance.

The proposed anti-terrorism legislation has long been campaigned for by victims’ groups, including the Martyn’s Law campaign, which was established by Figen Murray, the mother of Martyn Hett who was one of 22 people who died in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack. It will involve the introduction of new security requirements for certain public locations and venues. Draft legislation is expected to be published this Spring.

The Home Office said, “Pre-reading will be required, and on the day members of the policy team behind Martyn’s Law will be on hand to answer questions and discuss specific issues. We encourage applications from those with an interest, regardless of whether you have any security-related experience.”

The dates and locations for the workshops are as follows:

02/05/23          London

04/05/23          Cardiff

09/05/23          Birmingham

16/05/23          Carlisle

17/05/23          Durham

23/05/23          Belfast

30/05/23          Edinburgh

Further details are available here and via