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Martyn’s Law (also known as Protect Duty) campaigner Figen Murray OBE, has commenced a near 200 mile walk to Downing Street to raise awareness of her continued fight to get the Government to implement the legislation.

Murray started the journey standing on the spot where her son, Martyn Hett, died alongside 21 other innocent victims in the Manchester Arena terror attack. She was joined by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham and former counter-terrorism police chief Nick Aldworth.

Murray plans to arrive at 10 Downing Street on 22 May, the seventh anniversary of the attack, to urge Rishi Sunak to introduce the counter-terrorism legislation. She said, “I am incredibly grateful for the support I’ve received and the kind offers to help make this a success. Over the 16 days I will be joined by my family and friends, as well as the amazing people I’ve met across the security industry.

“On the final day, I would love people to come along and join us at Marble Arch at 9am, as we walk the last section to 10 Downing Street. We have arranged for security and support to be on hand.

“As I recently said when I announced that I’d be doing this walk, it’s about time Martyn’s Law was introduced to parliament so that it can become UK legislation. This isn’t party political. It is about doing the right thing to make businesses and venues more secure, and to ensure that no parent has to experience the pain I endure daily.”

The Government’s Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill – also known as Protect Duty – was included in the King’s Speech in November indicating that it was the Government’s intention to lay it out before Parliament.

The 56-page Bill includes a range of measures with the aim of protecting the public from terrorist attacks at live events and venues. The set up and ongoing cost of Martyn’s Law is expected to be around £2.7 billion.

Two tiers of venues are laid out in the draft Bill; standard and enhanced.

The standard tier – Premises with a maximum capacity of 100 or more people are required to undertake “low-cost” activities such as terrorism protection training.

The enhanced tier – Premises with a maximum capacity of 800 or more people are required to invest more time into counter-terrorism measures, such as appointing a designated senior officer for the review of venue security.

The draft Bill met with concern from the live music industry that if introduced in its initial form it “would create existential risk for live music venues”.

A public consultation closed in March. The Home Office has said it is now reviewing the findings to ensure all feedback is fully considered, and working to finalise the legislation with a view to introducing it as soon as parliamentary time allows.