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The live events industry has welcomed the Government’s publication of draft legislation for Martyn’s Law, also known as Protect Duty.

The legislation has been championed by victims’ groups, including the Martyn’s Law campaign, which was established by Figen Murray following the loss of her son, Martyn, in the Manchester Arena attack in 2017.

The bill outlines the counter-terrorism activities required for events taking place at venues that range in size and format. Two tiers of venues are laid out in the draft; standard and enhanced.

  • The standard tier – Premises with a maximum capacity of 100 or more people are required to undertake “low-cost” activities such as terrorism protection training.
  • The enhanced tier – Premises with a maximum capacity of 800 or more people are required to invest more time into counter-terrorism measures, such as appointing a designated senior officer for the review of venue security.

The bill also introduces a regulator, with the power to inspect and enforce the requirements for each tier. The regulator has the power to hand out sanctions and penalties for non-compliance. Fines for non-compliance are up to £10,000 for those in the standard tier and up to £18m, or 5% of the person’s qualifying worldwide revenue, for those in the enhanced tier.

In response to the publication of the draft bill yesterday, 2 May, industry trade association umbrella group LIVE (Live music Industry Venues & Entertainment) CEO Jon Collins said, “By publishing a draft bill, the Home Office has provided time for detailed and expert consideration of these proposals.

“As an industry, we remain resolute in our longstanding commitment to keep fans safe. LIVE will continue to work closely with Government to ensure the final bill is realistic and workable, sits appropriately alongside existing regulatory requirements and improves safety for all.”

NTIA CEO Michael Kill said the association has worked with the Home Office and stakeholders on the development of the bill, and that it is pleased the initial draft has taken into account recommendations and considers proportionality: “It is important that through this process, we also deliver clear and concise guidance on the implementation of Martyns Law, as well as address some of the fundamental issues around security resource shortages and adequate training prior to implementation.”

“We would like to thank Figen Murray for her continued support, and look forward to working alongside the Government and key stakeholders in creating safer spaces for people to enjoy our world renowned hospitality and cultural sectors.”

In a statement, the National Arenas Association said, “[Our] members continually share best practice concerning the operation of our venues and welcome this draft legislation, which we will now discuss internally and across other LIVE member organisations.”