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Energy Revolution, an events industry charity which aims to reduce the environmental impact of touring and travel to events, is rebranding to ecolibrium.

The association has helped balance over 13 million miles of travel with investment in renewable energy to date.

The rebrand includes expanded resources for members, including an app and industry-specific sustainable travel guides. ecolibrium is also launching a new programme called Trees+, which is aimed at artists, labels, suppliers and music companies.

The Trees+ will offset carbon emissions with a programme of planting, protection and regeneration. It will sit alongside the original Energy Revolution programme, which continues to invest carbon-balancing donations from event audience and supplier travel into projects generating clean renewable energy.

Chris Johnson, founder of hambala festival and ecolibrium CEO, states: “We understand the challenges everyone in our live events community are facing due to Covid-19, and we are ‘on hold’ in terms of actively working with our members while they prioritise the immediate crisis.

“We have made the best possible use of this time by creating a new brand and resources for when we emerge into a ‘new normal’. Whatever this looks like, travel will be part of life, and we will adapt our advice as the context changes.

“The ecological emergency continues, and it will serve up more challenges in the near future. It remains vital for ecolibrium and our growing community to be ambitious, and to take the spirit and learning of collaboration and resilience-building from this unprecedented time into our next steps.”