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Hundreds of families have demanded a refund from a Fortnite festival in Norwich, which attendees say did not deliver what it promised.

Fortnite Live at the Norfolk Showground was billed as a “fantastic event” with “awesome activities”.

Many attendees were disappointed the activities were largely unrelated to Fortnite, however, with an additional £20 wristband purchase required on top of the £13.95 ticket.

The wristband granted access to extra activities, including archery and laser tag, and required attendees to wait in queues that stretched to over an hour.

The event, which was organised by Exciting Events, drew comparisons to the failed Fyre Festival, on a Facebook page where attendees vented their frustrations.

The Norwich Evening News spoke to organiser Shaun Lord, who commented: “We don’t know [what went wrong].

“The biggest problem was staffing issues. We had a bit of a queueing at the beginning and that in turn got people in a different mood before they even got in.

“We put on a fantastic show with lots of activities and lots of people enjoyed themselves.”

Pictured: the main stage at Fortnite Live, credit Justine Petersen