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Manchester’s new multipurpose, 13,350sqm cultural event facility, Factory International, has announced Super Serve Manchester as its food and beverage partner.

Super Serve Manchester is a new collaboration between two established operators, Solitaire Restaurants and Square One. The pair are known for operating venues such as Ox Club in Leeds and YES in Manchester respectively, and delivering large-scale bar operations across the North.

Super Serve will preview its food and drink offering during Manchester International Festival this summer, ahead of a full roll-out when the venue officially opens in October.

Solitaire is also behind other venues such as Nightcrawler Pizza (Liverpool), Belgrave Music Hall (Leeds) and opening soon, The Ring O ‘Bells (Lathom).

Square One is an independent North West operator which provides infrastructure for events of all sizes, specialising in directing large-scale bar operations. The team brings experience delivering support at events such as Highest Point Festival, The Depot at Mayfield, Creamfields, Parklife and the Garden Party.

Super Serve will look after all the permanent food and beverage services on site including the ground floor foyer café and public bar, and two auditorium bars, providing a daytime and night-time offer. Super Serve, alongside other local traders, will also provide catering for Festival Square which this year relocates to the venues’ new river-side public spaces for the first time.

Programmed and operated by the team behind Manchester International Festival, Factory International will host a year-round programme of original creative work, music and special events.

Factory International venue director Sheena Wrigley said, “Not only does the team bring a wealth of expertise as Soltaire and Square One and understanding of the Manchester and North West hospitality scene, but they also showed a real commitment to supporting our values including sustainability, community engagement, and accessible pricing.”