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David Noble, managing director, Midas Productions

Midas was founded on a commitment to revolutionise the perception of temporary power, to maintain performance and slash emissions at the same time. Green B+ renewable diesel is the solution to that end.

Lists can lose people’s attention, but the fast facts about Green B+ are spectacular. Produced from waste fats, residues and vegetable oils, it is fully compatible with the existing distribution infrastructure and with all engines, so no additional investments are required.

There is no blending limit and it can be stored over long periods of time with no deterioration in quality or water accumulation.

Other biofuels may increase the need for vehicle maintenance, through reduced oil change intervals, for example, but there again Green B+ renewable passes muster.

Succinctly, it stands toe-to-toe with red diesel in terms of performance, in all temperatures and price, so it was a natural option for us.

Green B+ caught our attention ahead of the considerable curve and it’s been a pleasure working with the distributor to test and further develop something we are sure will become the rule rather than simply the exception, in a spread of markets.

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Johnny Lance, manager, Lance Show & Publications

In 2012 following a discussion with Powerful Thinking’s Chris Johnson, we conducted a review of our power management plan at the Showman’s Show with our power contractor and discovered that there were a number of ways we could reduce our fuel consumption.

As a result we were able to reduce our fuel bill by 50 per cent in 2013, and we were also able to remove a generator, making further savings.

Since 2014, Olympus Flooring have collected the carpet from our exhibition hall and recycled them into pellets, which in turn are made into plastic.

Not only does this mean that the used carpet doesn’t end up in a landfill site but it also saves money on having it removed – everybody wins.

We also encourage exhibitors and visitors to recycle their rubbish, placing the relevant waste bins around the showground. It’s a simple step to take but it makes the process very visible.

There is also no doubt that we have seen a marked uplift in the number of exhibitors offering sustainable solutions over the last few years.

2014 was particularly strong with a number of new companies, along with well-established players, launching new products.

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Steve Cunningham, owner, 20-20 Events

At Masterpiece London, we are using more mains power, which is more efficient and keeps generator noise down at night. We have some generators for peak times, by Power Electrics, but rely on these less nowadays.

We have a partnership with Chelsea Flower Show, which takes place just before Masterpiece. CFS organisers work with us so that we were able to keep all of the trackway the show uses in place, which adds up to 900 panels, saving 18 arctic lorries worth of kit. These sorts of partnerships are something the wider industry should look into.

We have Julie’s Bicycle’s The Green Guide to the Visual Arts in mind at our events, and have taken the principles from this, meaning now there’s very little waste at events like Masterpiece London. All the tents we use, from Neptunus, are reused, except for some minor fabric waste. All the lighting gets reused.

We even recycle the banding from the floors, something we weren’t doing five years back, but now it’s standard. All the glass we use goes to recycling, and we take care of mixed recyclables.

Since the initial green planning initiative around five years ago, we really have fewer discussions about green issues because they are just standard procedure for us now.