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International DJ T21 Sweetboyz has launched a fund to help those at the Tooting-based St George’s Hospital.

The fund, which is called CriticalNHS, has already raised over £54,000 in just over two weeks.

The charity also delivers food to critical care staff at the hospital, and has teamed up with local shops and restaurants to do so.

A statement on the CriticalNHS website said: “Hi all, in an effort to help support the critical care front line staff at St Georges Hospital over the next few weeks and months, and in turn, support our local shops and restaurants in doing so – we have decided to set up this PayPal pool where you can send donations.

“We plan to make regular lunchtime and evening deliveries to St Georges Hospital to feed the critical care nurses and other front line staff. We will also provide support for equipment, car parking fees and hotel rooms for those staff who would not otherwise be in a position to work. Thank you for your help!”

To donate, visit CriticalNHS’ website or PayPal page.