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Julian Agostini, MD of Mash Media, says now is the time to rip up the rulebook and get innovating


There’s an old adage that has seldom been more appropriate in my lifetime – crisis breeds invention.

There can be no question that we are in unprecedented times across the globe. The events industry will need all its resolve and creativity to bounce back with a flourish when we get the opportunity. Fortunately, those are the precise ingredients that make up so many of the individuals and companies that serve our wonderful industry, so I’m confident that we’ll come back with a bang.

The landscape has changed, maybe forever. Who knows?  So, what are we doing to adapt and stay ahead of the curve?

As we are all in lockdown, there is no better time to plan, create, design and let our thoughts run wild a little…frankly there’s not much else we can do.

We want to hear all the crazy thoughts and dreams; this is the time to try them. The public and the business worlds will be more receptive to new ideas now more than ever before. In fact, there will probably never be a better opportunity to operate outside the box. Communities and audiences will understand the logic of new angles and may well adopt them…so let’s try a few things, it’s a free hit.

Now is the time to dig out those shelved experiments that you always wondered if they might work. There is going to be a huge appetite for events when social distancing is relaxed. We should be looking to cram the calendar full right through Autumn and Winter.


A new temporary venue?

Where will we put all these events? Those that have been postponed, delayed and those already scheduled plus all the new ideas?

Can we build temporary venues on the Royal Parks and on our commons throughout the UK for example? Normally this wouldn’t be approved but the world has changed and red tape is somewhat easier to cut through right now as the government is seeking to prop up businesses in any way they can.

Traditionally the months from October through to March have been less attractive for outdoor events, but not this year. Spring is ruined and probably a lot of the Summer too, so everyone is going to be desperate for a bumper Autumn and Winter; make sure you’re right in the middle of it.

If you can’t run your event in Spring or Summer then try Autumn or Winter. Why not? Surely not the weather? That will not be a deterrent this year. Try different days of the week, alternative venues and locations. Are there any cancelled events that you could replicate in a small way in the Autumn and Winter?

If you don’t…someone else will. The demand could be very high, so make sure you’re ready to meet it.