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The new chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Events, Theresa Villiers MP (pictured), has said that she hopes in 2021 the group will focus on support for the sector during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and a plan for recovery and reopening.

In her New Year open letter, which was posted on Twitter, 4 January, Villiers added that the group would also be looking at people and talent as well as events as an economic driver.

“I am delighted to take on the role of chair for the APPG for events,” she wrote. “It is so important to revive this group in order to act as a voice for the UK’s world leading £84bn events sector.

“The events industry has been one of the most dynamic creative and growing parts of the economy and directly employs over 750,000 people. It provides a wide range of skilled jobs and also plays a crucial role in securing inward investment and supporting UK exports, facilitating in excess of £165bn in trade through business events.”

Villiers added: “With the event sector hit so hard by Covid, the APPG can play a key role over the coming months.”

The APPG for Events will next meet on 18 January.

The letter in full