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This weekend piano man Elton John will attract around 16,000 fans to the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC)’s specially constructed outdoor arena.

Elton John and His Band’s team are creating a venue from scratch, outdoors on the south side of the AECC complex with a full 16,000 seated capacity (standard GE Oil & Gas Arena seated capacity 3,181) and a stage measuring 32×15 metres, almost double the length compared to the standard stage within the GE Oil & Gas Arena.

The site will take a team of over 50 members of staff to construct in the run up to the gig with seven forklifts and two cherry pickers being used throughout build up and break down.

2,000 metres of security fencing and pedestrian barriers will be used onsite with 160 security staff working on event day.

There will be a full range of facilities at the show, with internal and external bars, cash machines, restrooms and catering including five food points and four coffee bars.

200 casual and permanent catering staff will be onsite on event day to service the food and beverage areas.

The Ticketmaster Box Office, located at the West Entrance to the GE Oil & Gas Arena, will be open from midday on Saturday for any last minute ticket purchasers.

Director of operations and safety, Fiona Mann said: “Build up of the event is going to plan and on schedule, we have a great team on-site working together to ensure that everything goes well. Elton fans can expect a fantastic evening on Saturday at the gig which is the first to be held outdoors at the AECC in a specially constructed open air Arena.”

Gig goers are reminded that this event is fully outdoors so they should prepare for all types of weather. Umbrellas are not permitted.-