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A new £100,000 cultural fund has been launched as part of Glasgow’s 850th celebrations next year.

The fund, designed to support and enhance existing established city events and festivals, can see applicants bid for up to £10,000 to include Glasgow 850 themes and activities in their programming for 2025.

Bids are being sought from established festivals and events to add value to their existing festival offerings by including additional programming which can celebrate or showcase the richness and diversity of Glasgow talent, engage children and young people in the city and deliver community outreach activity.

Applications are open until 31 July, with successful bidders being announced in September, as part of the Glasgow 850 programme launch. Full application details including eligibility criteria can be found at

Glasgow Life director of culture, tourism and events Billy Garrett said ther fund is designed to enable established events to amplify their impact and reach wider audiences: “This fund not only aims to highlight the incredible talent we have in Glasgow but also ensures that our communities can participate in and experience the celebrations.

“The fund supports events that align with the themes of Glasgow 850, to mark the city’s rich heritage, reflect on its transformational growth, and inspire a vision for the next fifty years. It’s also an opportunity for established events to attract and work with new audiences in the city through outreach activity.”

Glasgow City Council said that throughout 2025 the city will mark its 850th birthday by delivering a city-wide programme of events and community-based activities. The new Glasgow 850 brand, which is based on the idea of badges, will be free to use and made available to businesses. Plans are being made to announce the signature events within the Glasgow 850 programme in September, along with a new website and businesses engagement activity.