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Following the Welsh Government’s latest Covid-19 review, first minister Mark Drakeford said the NHS Covid Pass will be an entry requirement at more events from 15 November.

Subject to a debate and vote in the Senedd, the use of a Covid Pass as an entry protocol will be rolled out to cinemas, theatres and concert halls.

Drakeford said, “These are all venues where large numbers of people gather indoors for periods of time, often without face coverings.”

He said that while the country will be remaining at Covid Level Zero for the next three weeks, if the public health situation does not improve, the next review of the coronavirus regulations will consider a further expansion of the Covid Pass to include more hospitality settings.

From 11 October all over-18s in Wales have been required to show an NHS Covid Pass to enter:

  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventions
  • Outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people
  • Any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance

Covid-19 cases in Wales have risen sharply since the Government’s last three-week review of the regulations, reaching their highest point since the start of the pandemic at more than 700 cases per 100,000 people.