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Following the announcement by Scotland first minister Nicola Sturgeon that most Covid-related restrictions would be lifted in the county on 9 August, minister for culture, Europe and international development Jenny Gilruth has clarified that operators of outdoor events with capacities of more than 5,000 will still be required to apply for permission to local authorities.

Organisers of events indoors with audiences of more than 2,000 will also have to go through the same application process.

Gilruth said that while the “[Scottish government] expect the return of large scale events we will, for a limited period, keep in place the processes”.

Among the other restrictions to remain in place in Scotland after 9 August are the mandatory wearing of face coverings and collection of customer contact details in venues. In outdoor settings, such as outdoor events and crowded places, the use of face coverings is “encouraged”.

She said, “Individuals who have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccination under a UK Government programme and return a negative PCR test, will no longer need to self-isolate as a close contact but should self-isolate at home while they book the test and wait for the results. However, individuals who test positive for Covid-19 will still be required to self-isolate for ten days.