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Safer Spaces Now CIC will return to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend to help prevent and respond to incidents of violence against women and girls and all forms of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

The non-profit organisation will be working in partnership with Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police again this year. Safer Spaces Now has also joined forces with The Lioness Pride CIC, a specialist and frontline community organisation based in Croydon.

Carnival goers, performers and traders can go to the designated space, which will be located in sectors 1 and 5, if they feel unsafe, are in need of advice or wish to speak to someone while attending Carnival.

The Safer Spaces Team, who will be wearing coral T-shirts at the event, will be delivering brief Active By-Stander Intervention training to carnival goers.

Safer Spaces CEO and co-founder Anna MacGregor said, “As a country we are creating better services, structures and legislation to respond to VAWG (violence against women and girls), but it is not enough. VAWG is a systemic and longstanding issue, embedded culturally and socially.

“We need to engage with people directly, creating safe spaces for women and girls and educating and challenging male violence. Festivals, events and artists are uniquely positioned to really emphasise a zero tolerance approach and show women and girls that they are valued and that male violence is condemned.”

Notting Hill Carnival is expected to host around two million people in West London from 27-28 August.