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UK Music chief executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin is to leave the music industry body after three years at the helm to become the prime minister’s new director of strategy.

A former Government special adviser, Njoku-Goodwin (pictured) joined UK Music in September 2020 as CEO. He helped steer the sector through the Covid-19 pandemic and contributed to the lobbying efforts that secured financial support for the live music sector.

He has also championed the importance of music education, playing a key role in drawing up the new National Plan for Music Education, and more recently helped co-ordinate the sector’s response to the challenges posed by the impact of artificial intelligence, stressing the need for effective copyright protection.

UK Music chairman Lord Watson said, “Jamie joined UK Music when the sector was in the midst of a crisis due to impact of Covid. He swiftly played a key role in securing the vital support the industry needed to help get back on its feet.

“He is a passionate advocate for our sector and has worked tirelessly on behalf of UK Music and our members in our shared determination to grow our industry, create skilled jobs, boost music education and help make the music business an inclusive and welcoming place to work.

Njoku-Goodwin said, “Leading UK Music through what was the toughest of times for our sector during the pandemic, when the music industry faced an existential struggle, has been an immense honour.

“I’m delighted our sector is in much better shape now to take on the challenges and opportunities it faces in the future. I wish UK Music every success for the future, and hope policymakers continue to give it the support it needs and deserves.”

UK Music said its deputy chief executive Tom Kiehl will be interim chief executive.