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PRG XL Video has provided a projection and mapping system at the College of Commerce in Cork, Ireland as part of special arts event Cork Ignite.

The team worked with visual artist Simon Mckeown to create the projection, creating a map of the building using a combination of build drawings and photographs for the content renderings.

Mckeown also worked with participants from disability organisations – including COPE Foundation – to create a projection that drew from stop-frame animation, shadow puppetry, artwork and video.

PRG XL Video’s team included senior account manager Paul Wood, mapping expert James Cooksey and projectionist Peter Tilling.

To cover the entire front of the College of Commerce, six Barco HDQ-2K40 projectors were used in two stacks of three, outputting a total of 240,000 Lumens. Two nights before the main event, projector alignment was carried out, and a content run-through took place the night before.

“This was a big outdoor project which carried a lot of risk and uncertainty and expectation,” Mckeown said. “The project formed the ambitious centre point to Culture Night Ireland in Cork. It had prestigious support from organisations in Ireland and the UK and was hoped to have a very large audience. Expectations were high and combining this stress with my own exacting standards meant that I could only consider working with PRG XL and Paul and his team.

“Over several months I worked with Paul to specify the projection and with James to map the work to a fantastically accurate level across multiple planar depths.  As nearly a quarter of a million lumens hit the College of Commerce I was, and still remain, absolutely certain I made the correct decision.”