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The Music Venue Trust (MVT) has welcomed new research commissioned by healthcare app myGP, which found that 66% of the public in England would welcome vaccination passports if it meant keeping their local high-street in business.

MyGP, which has a contract with the NHS to allow patients to access their medical records via its app, has been testing its digital vaccine passport myGP TICKet at West End theatres, a Premier League football club and several other venues.

Separate research by the company, which involved a poll of 500 public-facing, independent business owners in the UK, found that 31% them that have paused trading due to Covid-19 have no or low confidence in surviving the next three months. The research found 92% are considering inviting customers, who can prove their vaccination status, back as soon as possible at capacity events.

MVT CEO Mark Davyd said, “Grassroots music venues across the country have enjoyed huge support from artists and audiences during this crisis and it is incredibly encouraging to see broad public support of vaccine verification as we consider a number of options to revive live music.

Hillary Cannon, director of the myGP TICKet initiative, said, “We all know that lockdowns and social distancing has brought arts and events venues, restaurants, and the hospitality sector – all of our most beloved industry sectors – to their knees. We also know that there are still questions around the reliability of rapid (lateral flow) testing, and that PCR testing does not account for the incubation period of this virus. It’s clear that assured, GP-verified proof of vaccination is the only way to ensure that businesses can reopen safely and at capacity. And we now realise that the majority of the public supports the use of such technologies.”

Dr William Budd, research clinician and advisor to myGP added, “It’s really encouraging to see this type of innovation, particularly given the positive comments relating to the Oxford vaccine in The Lancet. Speeding up a return to normal with this technology and a vaccine that looks to prevent transmission is a brilliant combination.”