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Music industry bodies have joined forces with an array of organisations with the aim of improving the sector’s work on equality, diversity and inclusion.

Umbrella music industry trade body UK Music has launched a Diversity Taskforce that published a Ten-Point Plan last October. A move to identify and work closely with socially engaged organisations whose work relates to gender and race – and with whom they can invest in on a long-term basis – was an element of the plan.

All UK Music board member bodies support the taskforce and have identified partner organisations. They are the Association of Independent Music (AIM), British Phonograhic Industry (BPI), Featured Artists’ Coalition (FAC), The Ivors Academy, Music Managers Forum (MMF), Music Publishers Association (MPA), Muic Producers Guild (MPG), Musician’s Union, PPL, PRS for Music, and UK LIVE Music.

The organisations that UK Music members are working with include Black Lives in Music, The BRITS School, The Cats Mother, East London Arts and Music (ELAM), Girls I Rate, The Midi Music Company, My Runway Group, Parents and Carers in Performing Arts (PiPA), PRS Foundation, Small Green Shoots, She Said So, Women in CTRL and Zoo XYZ.

Nadu Placca, founder of events management agency The Zoo XYZ, recently launched trade body The Association of Black Event Professionals, after commissioning a report that found there were no black board members at 15 event trade bodies.

UK Music Diversity Taskforce chair Ammo Talwar (pictured) said, “The Ten-Point Plan is already leading the way and showing what can be done when it comes to tackling racism and ensuring the music industry is more diverse and inclusive.

“Ensuring UK Music members partnered with organisations to drive forward change was an important part of the Plan and it’s great that this work is already under way.

“However, there is still much more work to be done and we will continue to work with the music industry to ensure it is at the vanguard of the positive changes we all want to see.”