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Event creating digital platform eve recently hosted 40 corporate event bookers at the debut ‘Dine with eve’ experience.

Head of business development for eve, Becci Thomson, said: “We are truly excited to be launching eve’s new immersive dining concept to the events industry.  This idea takes the dining experience to a personal level where guests have the opportunity to enhance their food as they desire so whether it’s minimalism or maximalism it’s up to them.”

Launched in partnership with RSA House, and held at The Vaults at RSA House, guests at the inaugural event enjoyed an extended reception with a variety of meat and plant-based dishes served from live canape stations. Guests were entertained during the reception by a DJ set and live saxophonist.

Guests were then invited to infuse their own beetroot dashi, which accompanied the main dish of fennel poached sea trout, from herb pots distributed along the dining table.

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Yorkshire rhubarb trifle finished off the menu, designed with a contemporary twist. The deconstructed trifle was served in a large glass bowl plate, covered with a Columbian white chocolate disk.  Guests were encouraged to decorate their disk with edible paint to create a unique work of art, before cracking it open to devour their dessert.

Pratik Dattani, EPG, said: “It was a really enjoyable and surprising evening. There were lots of interesting personal touches that made it stand out and new ideas we can incorporate into our events. It really opened my eyes to the possibilities available. I’d never think of hosting an event like this, in a venue like this but it was super cool and worked.”

Dine with eve is the first dining experience in a series of industry events hosted by eve in 2020, with others being launched in the near future.