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Elevate mentoring programme has announced the launch of a brand new training platform and workshops. Known as Elevate Evolve, the series of practical workshops is being delivered ‘by the events industry, for the events industry’.

Elevate Evolve has been created to empower and educate industry professionals, many of whom believe they lack the skills or confidence required to fulfil their potential. Currently, many event-focused courses do not offer the accessible, affordable and practical training that industry professionals are searching for and need. Such courses also tend not to fully address the day-to-day requirements and expectations of existing industry roles.

Elevate research has found that over 80 of those questioned who work in the industry feel that they lack the confidence they need to excel in their current job roles. In addition, over 75 per cent reported lacking all of the skills they needed to meet their current role requirements, let alone see them rise through the ranks of their companies.

Elevate surveyed over 120 members of the events industry, to narrow down the crucial topics that are lacking in current training programmes. The 12 topics that Elevate plans to address over the coming months have been designed alongside industry leaders and professionals at all levels, as a direct response to this feedback.

The Elevate Evolve training programme will provide the relevant support and education that the industry needs, starting with a tailored course tackling confidence and leadership: a key area in which many events professionals feel they could improve. The half-day session takes place on 11 June 2019 and is priced at £85.

Elevate recently kicked off season three of its mentoring programme with is fourth Elevate Live event at RSA Vaults, a located beneath London’s RSA House. At the event guests were supported through networking whilst exploring the benefits of mentoring and discovered how to get the most out of mentoring programmes. A panel discussion delved even deeper into what makes a good mentor, with both mentors and mentees giving their own opinions on how to approach mentoring in addition to the benefits of mentoring, as well as being mentored.

On the panel were industry professionals including managing director of Geometry Global Andy Dougan, Theo Gentilli and Robin Shaw of Warm Street, business consultant Erica Pew and head of events at Santander, Mel Noakes. Members of the panel were asked for one piece of advice that would help mentees get the most out of the programme. Answers ranged from “be prepared”, “ask questions”, “say when things aren’t working”, “don’t be afraid to be vulnerable” and “be tenacious” to “everyone’s faking it – imposter syndrome hits people at every part of the ladder!”

Key take-aways from Elevate Live focused on the power of connections, and the importance of personal development, which becomes clearer still when you start to see the buzzing energy and excitement of people who find others willing and able to support them.