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The Welsh Government has said ticket holders for large-scale events and nightclubs in the country will be required to show an NHS Covid Pass proving they have been fully vaccinated or had a negative Covid test to gain entry to venues 11 October.

The move follows the Scottish Government’s announcement that vaccine passports will be required at events from 1 October, and that vaccine passports could be introduced in England at just one week’s notice should Covid cases spike in the autumn or winter.

In Wales all over-18s will need to have an NHS Covid Pass to enter:

  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventions
  • Outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people
  • Any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance

First minister Mark Drakeford (pictured) said, “We have high levels of the virus in our communities and while our fantastic vaccination programme has helped stop thousands more people from becoming seriously ill or dying, the pressure on the NHS is increasing.

“We hope introducing the requirement to show a COVID Pass will help keep venues and events – many of which have only recently started trading again – open.

“Showing a Covid Pass is already part of our collective effort to keep businesses open with some major events, such as the successful Green Man Festival, using it. We will continue to work closely with all businesses affected to ensure a smooth introduction and operation of this system.”