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The successful supply of customers’ drinks is a key factor in ensuring the smooth running of any event, whether it’s a major music festival, international sporting event or more intimate gathering, says Steve Lakin, customer relation manager at Innserve. 

With a limited time window – a couple of days, or maybe just a few hours – to keep drinkers satisfied and returning to the bar for more, it’s vital that for an event the bar is correctly installed and supported so drinks are served at the optimum quality.

How the bar is set up depends on the drinks being served. Different drinks require different dispense installations, especially keg and cask beer. If the equipment isn’t set up correctly it could impact on the quality of the drinks and the volumes sold, and punters may choose to go elsewhere. Using our highly experienced technicians that know how to expertly  install specialist equipment is therefore essential.

Keeping drinks at the optimum temperature is extremely important, especially when the event is outside as the temperature can vary immensely and the use of specialist equipment gives maximum control to the in glass temperatures..

Another key factor in reducing waste and increasing profits is having properly trained and knowledgeable staff members. It is also important to have technicians on hand, in case an issue should occur which is out of the hands of bar staff.

Back in the 1990s the Prime Minister of the day, John Major, said that half a century down the line Britain would still be “the country of long shadows on cricket grounds and warm beer”. But with today’s drinkers preferring to quench their thirst with a refreshingly cold pint, the correct event bar set up is helping both the beer and the bar staff to keep their heads.

Innserve is the UK’s leading independent drinks dispense service company. The company’s 300-plus maintenance and installation technicians provide a range of solutions to events countrywide including the Edinburgh Festival, the Isle of Wight Festival and open-air concerts at London’s Hyde Park.