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BAFA (British Arts Festivals Association) is hosting its first in-person conference for festivals since the pandemic struck.

The Reconnect conference will be for festival organisers, agents, managers, suppliers and academics associated with the festivals sector. It will take place at the Crown Hotel, Harrogate from 16-17 November.

Speakers at the conference include theatre company Slung Low, Manchester International Festival and Unboxed – a new festival to debut in March. Also speaking at the conference is theatre company Northern Broadsides, Harrogate International Festivals, Class Festival, mental health charity Industry Minds and consulting firm, Indigo.

BAFA director Fiona Goh (pictured right) said the event will pick up on many of the themes from the February conference: “We’re so delighted to be back face-to-face with our members and colleagues from across the festivals sector, and the BAFA conference is a brilliant place to connect with friends old and new, and to exchange ideas, resources and support each other in what has been quite an extraordinary year.

“It will be an opportunity to have those more involved conversations that have been really difficult to have over Zoom, as well as picking up some the really important issues we were talking about in February.

“We’ll be talking about many issues that are concerning us right now; where are we as a sector? and how do we respond to the many changes we are facing, not only the challenges of the pandemic but also the social justice movements that are so important? We’ll be looking at the audience’s response to the pandemic, including the latest research from Indigo, and hearing from some brilliant organisations who have been helping to re-imagine what an arts organisation needs to be in 2021.”

Tickets range from £20 – £170. Delegates can secure accommodation at the conference venue, The Crown Hotel, from £80pppn. Further information is available here.