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AAA 30under30 member Cat Kevern, chair of NOWIE (Network of Women in Events), discusses her career to date and provides tips on how the industry can change to support diversity and young professionals. 

When did you first know you wanted a career in events?

I decided to make a career in the events industry when I was around 18 years old and started to get involved with the nightlife scene in Paris. I knew straight away it was the right decision and decided to study events management and marketing at university, later moving into festivals and concerts.

Is there anyone in the industry who has influenced or inspired you?

There are definitely a few people within the industry who have inspired me and have been mentors to me such as Clare Goodchild from We Organise Chaos. I have always looked up to Clare, she is extremely inspirational and delivers to incredible standards. 

What are you most proud of in your career so far?

There is no one particular event or project that comes to mind, however, my favourite moments are the international events I got the chance to be a part of such as working in incredible locations New Zealand, Costa Rica, Fiji or even Abu Dhabi. 

What would you like to see changed in the events industry?

The one change I would love to see in the industry would be more women in senior management roles. The same goes for diversity in line-ups and headliners, lots of events are starting to be more inclusive but there is still lots of work to be done back of house and front of house.

What is your advice for someone who wants to start a career in events?

My advice to anyone starting in the industry would be networking and work ethic is everything. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, take initiative and don’t be shy when approaching co-workers. Most jobs will lead to more opportunities if you play your cards right.

Where do you see yourself being in 10 years?

In 10 years I hope to be leading projects and producing unique experiences at international events, with a focus on the Middle East region.