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82% of people say they would feel comfortable returning to a festival within one to six months of lockdown being lifted, according to research done by Festicket.

The ticketing supplier surveyed 110,000 festival-goers to gauge opinions about the return of events after lockdown.

Of the 82% which said they would attend a festival in the next six months, 31% said they would attend a festival “immediately” after lockdown, while 35% said they would attend within 2-3 months.

When asked to rank the factors that influence their choice of festival, those surveyed put “health and safety measures” higher than “ticket price”.

When asked what type of festival they would feel most comfortable attending, 83% said they would feel comfortable attending a day festival, while 68% said they would feel comfortable attending a weekend festival. 60% said they felt comfortable attending domestic and international music events in 2021.

Those surveyed also seemed confident that 2021’s festival season will not be affected, with 75% saying they’d feel confident booking a 2021 festival in the next two months.


The festivals of the future

Festival-goers say they expect a number of extra measures at festivals going forwards, in order to protect their health. These include comprehensive cleaning measures, reduced capacity and social distancing.

When asked to rank the factors that influence their choice of festival, those surveyed put “health and safety measures” higher than “ticket price”. The top two factors, however, were lineup and free cancellations.

Of those surveyed, 24% said they were willing to spend over €500 on their future festival trips. 34% said they would spend €250-500, while 35% were willing to pay €100-200.

60% of people said they had watched a live stream during lockdown, while 58% said they would happily pay to watch a live stream, either via a typical ticket or donation.