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Changes to the festival site and traffic management plan have resulted in positive feedback from festivalgoers at T in the Park, despite the tragic deaths of two teenagers.

The cause of the deaths of two 17 year-olds, who died on 8 July at the festival, has so far not been confirmed.

In a statement released on 11 July, festival director Geoff Ellis said: “We had a tragic start to the event and our thoughts are still with the families and friends.”

Superintendent Conrad Trickett, the Police Scotland day commander for the event, added: “Obviously the deaths of two young people on Thursday evening was an awful tragedy and our hearts go out to their families. However, in general, this was a good natured event with festivalgoers well behaved and enjoying themselves.”

Police reported that the general behaviour of fans was good, with the number of thefts and violent crime down from last year.

“We are pleased to see the reduction in serious assaults and thefts while a robust approach by the event organisers and ourselves in tackling anyone trying to bring drugs into the festival has brought a welcome increase in the number of seizures,” continued Trickett.

Issues surrounding travel to and from the site, which sparked complaints from festivalgoers and residents in 2015, were largely resolved thanks to a new traffic management plan.

Transport manager, Ian Martin, said: “The new traffic management plan has worked extremely well. Despite some adverse weather conditions, our contingency planning ensured that buses were cleared from the site within 1.5 hours of the arena closing every night with all other traffic cleared within around 3.5 hours. We thank fans for their co-operation and we must reiterate that bus is best for next year too.”