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UK record labels association the BPI has announced a second round of financial support, from record companies and streaming platforms, for artists, live music professionals and organisations struggling due to the Covid-19 crisis.

Donations totalling nearly £270,000, co-ordinated by the BPI, will go to a range of causes including the Music Venue Trust and Help Musicians.

Contributors to the fund include Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music, Warner Music, Cherry Red, Demon Music Group, The BRIT Awards, Amazon Music and PPL.

The funding package follows a £1.25 million donation made by the recorded music sector, co-ordinated by the BPI, in April.

Geoff Taylor, Chief Executive BPI & BRIT Awards, said: “These further donations aimed at helping artists, managers and venues, which come on top of substantial donations already made to Help Musicians and the Music Venues Trust, underline the sector’s solidarity with all those affected and will hopefully help to make a difference as we work together to bring the industry through this crisis.”