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Protec recently supported three music concerts in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), including Nicky Minaj and the Autism Rocks Festival featuring Flo Rida and Tyga. The company also provided the lights for the first Korean cultural convention, KCON, in Abu Dhabi, featuring K-Pop performances.

Protec provided lighting, video and rigging for Minaj’s show; at KCON, the company provided the lighting and rigging. Meanwhile, for the Autism Rocks Festival, Protec designed the lighting and provided the same rigging plan used for Minaj.

The only hitch throughout for Protec was the weather. It rained throughout the Autism Rocks gig, which required that precautions be taken to keep all the electrical equipment dry,

Protec’s project manager Mark Battle explained: “We had to use plastic sheeting over all of this which worked, even though it was quite windy at times. When we arrived on the show day and everything was soaking wet, it turned out that we had only lost one light due to water damage. The other challenge was that it was also exposed to the wind and sand/dust. The large Imag video screens that we had on either side of the downstage wings had to be monitored very closely. At the end of the day however, it was another perfectly executed gig, with no more rain to dampen anyone’s spirits.”