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Event technical and staging solutions company Protec helped Prodea Group celebrated the completion of the new Dubai Canal with a lavish opening ceremony.
Italian production company Prodea Group engaged Protec to light more than three kilometres of the canal bank, including a waterfall effect stretching across the 120m-wide canal.
Protec also handled video for the event, with 12 projectors used for content running at the main stage and another eight mounted to towers for the water screens along the canal.
Adverse weather proved a challenge for the water screens, with coastal winds making them unstable.
Protec head of video Chris Wimbush commented: “Overall the wind proved the most challenging aspect to the whole production. As is so often the case with these big construction projects, they run right up to the last minute, which meant much mechanical activity along the site stirring up considerable amounts of dust.
“Fortunately, we anticipated the environment and acted accordingly, not one strategic piece of technology failed throughout the spectacular evening’s entertainment. We are extremely proud of that.”