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Polygon have introduced a new way to experience live music via a 3D, 360 degree sound stage.

Polygon Live uses an L-ISA audio processor that gives performers the ability to spatialise sounds as well as move them around a space. The designers of the processor, L-Acoustics, worked in conjunction with L-ISA.

CEO and founder of L-Acoustics, Dr. Christian Heil, said: Sound is by definition a spatialized medium. It’s how the human species naturally experiences sound: detailed, multidimensional, and localized. Today at concerts we should instead be asking, ‘Why is the sound not spatialized?’ Until recently, the answer to this question was because we didn’t have a user-friendly and cost-effective ecosystem to reproduce natural, 3D sound.

“Polygon and Wonderfruit have showcased L-ISA technology since 2017 and can be considered as pioneers in the use of spatialized sound in the electronic and dance music world. EDM is a thrilling application for L-ISA because the genre does not tie the physical localization of sound to a known and recognizable instrument such as a violin or a drum kit. This opens up tremendous freedom to have sound travel, shapeshift and ricochet, independently of where the sound is made. L-ISA becomes a kind of instrument, enveloping fans in entirely new sensations and perceptions. It’s exciting and Polygon is at the forefront of a sonic and creative revolution that is only just beginning to unfold.”

Polygon pre-spatializes artists’ music ahead of performances, then lets DJs animate their sets by prescribing directions to sounds.

Polygon CEO, Nico Elliott, adds: After many years researching 3D sound we are excited to officially launch Polygon Live. We believe that Polygon will redefine how live music is experienced and set a new benchmark for the industry.”

Polygon Live will appear for the third time at Thai festival Wonderfruit in December 2019. Lighting designers and architects Visual Systems have designed the stage it will be used on, which includes scent dispersion, pyrotechnics and tubed LED lighting.

The Polygon lineup includes electronic musicians and DJ’s including; Martha Van Straaten, Luis Rosenberg, Viken Arman Alban Endlos, Be Svendsen and Chilean electronic band Matanza.