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The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has today announced in a statement that it will be coordinating claims against Hiscox Insurance for its refusal to pay out under its business interruption policy.

CEO of NTIA, Michael Kill, said: “Night Time Economy businesses are being denied legitimate insurance claims, many claims are being disputed by insurers based on contrived arguments to avoid sharing the financial burden during the Covid-19 crisis.

“We have instructed Philip Kolvin QC, the leading industry barrister, to advise on our members’ rights under their insurance policies. One of the main leisure sector policies was underwritten by Hiscox Insurance, who have written to their clients denying liability. Philip Kolvin QC has advised that claimants who were insured by Hiscox against closure by public authorities and who had to close their premises under the regulations have a good case against Hiscox.

“We want to talk urgently to any businesses within the Hospitality and Leisure sector which have a Policy with Hiscox and would like to join the current group of over 100 claimants to progress a legal case against the company.”

Philip Kolvin, QC, of Cornerstone Barristers added: “Leisure operators are suffering severe hardship. There is a clear and present danger that the industry will be decimated, that leisure businesses throughout the UK will go to the wall, that jobs and livelihoods will be lost, and that the cultural capacity of the nation will be depleted for years to come.

“We should celebrate that the Night Time Industries Association has stepped up to the plate to support the sector. It is time now for those insurance companies who know they are liable under their policies do the same. The clue is in the name ‘insurance’. It is what they are in business for. They should not be running for cover. They will never be forgiven for doing so.”

The Managing Director for NDML Insurance, Simon Mabb, concluded: “As brokers, we are working with NTIA and Philip Kolvin QC in representing our clients in pursuing their claims for Business Interruption losses due to the Covid – 19 lockdown. We are exploring every possible avenue to get insurers moving and paying legitimate claims to their clients.

“So, this is a direct call to certain insurers to do the right thing NOW, even though times are hard. Now is the time to work together, not to find loopholes and re-write wordings that exclude claims, but to stand by the clients that have stood by you for so many years, to recognise that loyalty, and to save our industry.”