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The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has appointed 30 Night Time Economy Ambassadors across the UK in a bid to accelerate local representation and strengthen the country’s nighttime economy.

The national trade body said the ambassadors, who will represent major cities, will play a key role in bridging the gap between the industry and policymakers.

Last year the NTIA launched a campaign calling for the appointment of advisors in every major UK city. In the last three years, the UK has appointed only two Night Time Economy Advisors.

The new ambassadors include Lyle Bignon (Birmingham), Clair Moffat, (Portsmouth) Jenn Nimmo-Smith (Glasgow), Nick Newman (Cardiff), Yuval Hen (London) and James Slater & Michele Somers (Nottingham). 

NTIA CEO Michael Kill said, “We believe that the UK has been lagging behind in recognising the potential and significance of the night-time economy, compared to other world-leading countries.

“The nighttime industry is not merely about entertainment. It is a crucial driver of local economies, providing jobs and opportunities while contributing to the unique community character and culture of our cities.

“These ambassadors, who are prominent business leaders and stakeholders within their respective communities, will act as champions for the night time economy. They will work closely with the current network of Night Time Economy Advisors, local authorities, businesses, and communities to ensure that the nighttime sector’s needs and potential are recognised, supported, and cultivated.

“It’s time for our cities to fully embrace and benefit from the night-time economy, and with these ambassadors leading the way, we are confident that we are on the right path.”