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Bar ordering mobile app Butlr has partnered with the Music Venue Trust (MVT) with the aim of raising up to £750,000 for the struggling grassroots venue sector.

The three-month partnership will see Butlr donate all profits from work with Music Venues Alliance (MVA) members either back to the venue itself or to MVT. Based on typical turnover, Butlr said this could be as much as £750,000.

As part of the partnership, Butlr said it will waive profits on transaction fees for MVA members, which then have the option of donating some, none, or all of the discount to MVT.

Among the first sign-ups are London’s 100 Club (cap. 350) and the Lexington (200), and Concorde2 (600) in Brighton.

MVT CEO Mark Davyd said, “The technology within the app is useful to grassroots music venues, not only in terms of cost and providing user-friendly table service, but also longer-term with the potential of Butlr’s collection point technology being integrated into full capacity operations.”

The MVT venue members to have used Butlr include Concorde2, Electric Ballroom (1500), The Joiners (200), Moles (200), The Wedgewood Rooms (400) and Queen Of Hoxton (300).