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From 3 to 7 October, businesses across London will be holding early morning meetings for the annual London Breakfast Meetings Week.

On 6 October (Thursday) an exclusive breakfast event will be held at The Deck for the third consecutive year, the venue located on the roof of the National Theatre.

Guests will sample dishes created by the venue’s in-house catering team and network with key events media and organisers.

Returning to the event this year is health blogger Sarah Malcolm who, along with Instagram health guru Jess Moses, will be offering tips on powering a meeting with a nutritional breakfast.

Tineke O’Brien, head of commercial events and business development at The Deck said: “London Breakfast Meetings Week has been such a success over the past two years and we are delighted to be hosting our open morning for the third year running.

“There is so much scope to improve the way breakfast meetings are done and it is exciting to see how the initiative is developing across the capital.”

Event profs can keep up with this year’s London Breakfast Meetings Week on the hashtag #LBMW16.