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Kevin Jackson has launched new agency, The Experience is the Marketing, which “will change the way events are sold to businesses and brands”.

The agency goes live today (2 November) and will provide marketing and business support for one simple purpose: business growth, said Jackson.

“The world’s of sales and marketing have converged, and the only way to drive growth is an integrated story across all parts of the business; we are a growth agency.

“Every conversation I’ve had with our clients has been about how to achieve growth, be it new business expansion, delivering shareholder value, launching new products, or implementing brand strategies. In every case it boils down to creating an experience; internally, externally, through sales, and through culture,” he added.

“This is what The Experience is the Marketing will do, it will be a true business driver.”

The new agency will see Jackson work with a series of delivery partners to create complete business experiences that hit on internal communications, external communications, and sales delivery; including CRM, capability training and up skilling.

The ISES UK president resigned from George P Johnson (GPJ) in May, after a four-year period as the company’s vice-president of sales and marketing, EMEA.

With 20 years’ experience across the marketing mix, working at global brand agencies including Saatchi, Grey and Jack Morton, he will head up the new agency with the aim of changing the way the industry looks at itself.