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Events industry body isla has announced the launch of its first industry report today, 18 May.

The report combines insights from TRACE, its event carbon measurement platform, and wider membership community.

Launching at its flagship 2023 event, transform, the report – ‘a temperature check 2022-2023: an exploration of sustainable progress in the UK event industry’ – reflects isla’s mission to support the events industry transition to Net Zero.

This report aims to help the industry understand where event emissions come from and highlights how the industry can harness “rich data” to support businesses.

What does the report include?

The temperature check considers where the industry is now, and where it needs to be.

Key areas in the report include:

  • Trends in event carbon emissions from TRACE
  • Practical actions the events industry can take today
  • Why the concepts of climate literacy and carbon instinct are key to business transformation against the backdrop of the climate crisis
  • How organisations can reframe key challenges on the path to event decarbonisation as opportunities and the rewards these can present to businesses
  • How the events industry can work together to harness the power of collaborative advantage

Anna Abdelnoor, CEO and founder, isla, said: “The climate crisis is happening now, and action to address it must continue at pace. The industry has been crying out for the insight and guidance it needs to take meaningful action to address climate change.

“Achieving Net Zero faces a myriad of challenges ranging from a lack of coherent policy to perceived barriers to moving from ‘business as usual’ to businesses fit for the future. This report aims to act as a beacon for the industry.”

Rebecca Lardeur, climate strategist and report lead, isla, added: “This report breaks new ground in event data. It is so much more than a collection of facts and figures. It is a coming together of an industry that has collaborated to put sustainability into practice and ask hard questions.”