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Hampton Court Palace, one of the six venues cared for by Historic Royal Palaces, has announced it will be hosting a brand new international Real Tennis tournament at the Royal Tennis Court.

The sporting event, taking place 11–16 July, will showcase the world’s best Real Tennis players and a new format with a quick-fire qualifying process.

“We are delighted to announce this new international Real Tennis tournament at Hampton Court Palace,” said Liz Young, head of events at Historic Royal Palaces. “This is the first time Hampton Court Palace has produced its own sporting event of this kind and the tournament has already generated a fantastic level of interest.”

“In addition to witnessing some exhilarating sporting action, spectators who attend the tournament will play their part in ensuring the palace continues to be well maintained and open for all to enjoy, as income raised from commercial activities is reinvested in conservation, public access and educational activities,” Young added.