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The government is being urged to confirm the 4 July as the reopening date for the hospitality sector, as frustration with a lack of a clear timeline grows.

The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) released a statement on Sunday 21 June, saying that “with the government procrastinating over the future, the hospitality sector aces more uncertainty and loss of business and jobs.”

Michael Kill, NTIA CEO, commented: “Frustration and anger is growing within the sector to get some absolute clarity on when businesses will be able to reopen and what extended provision will be available to businesses unable to open under the measures presented by government.

“The consistently ambiguous messaging from the government is increasing the level of anxiety amongst business owners. Many businesses are at the point of breaking, with mounting commercial rent debt and staff in limbo.

“At what point is the government going to realise that we are playing with people’s livelihoods here, and businesses and jobs are being lost with every passing day? We urge the government to consider the human element of this crisis and end the uncertainty!”