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The Department of Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) has issued a statement outlining the categories of organisations that will be considered for the next, £300m, round of Cultural Recovery Fund (CRF) grants. It said applications will open “shortly”.

The £300m final CRF round, originally announced by chancellor Rishi Sunak nearly four months ago in his budget speech, will, according to the DCMS, “provide further support as the cultural, heritage and creative sectors move towards reopening at full capacity”.

It said the aim of the funding is to help organisations prepare to reopen and for a return to full capacity, “while building a sustainable financial future by providing much needed financial support to protect organisations through to the end of the year.”

Almost £220m will be made available for both new organisations who are at imminent risk of failure and existing recipients of CRF grants.

It said, “Funding will be available to boost those who have received support already while ensuring more culturally significant organisations do not fail as a result of the pandemic.”

The CRF has already provided £1.2bn to more than 5,000 organisations and sites across the country.

Culture secretary Oliver Dowden (pictured) said, “This round of funding will provide a further boost to help organisations build back better and ensure we can support more of those in need – safeguarding our precious culture and heritage, and the jobs this supports.”