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EventScotland, the events arm of VisitScotland, has announced it will contribute £233,000 to events taking place across Scotland from August to October 2016.

Twenty-one events will receive grants, which form part of EventScotland’s National Funding Programme, designed to help develop Scotland’s events portfolio.

The grants will be awarded to both new and established events and will have an average value of more than £11,000.

To celebrate the granting of funds to Cake Fest Scotland, Dyslexia Scotland’s Celia Richardson specially created a ‘£233k’ Madeira cake (pictured), which she presented at Cowane’s Hospital in Stirling.

Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland’s director of events, commented: “EventScotland’s National Funding Programme is incredibly valuable to Scotland’s events industry, allowing some of our best-loved properties to promote themselves to a huge number of people and to work towards a self-sustainable future.

“National events are critical, not only in maintaining the variety of Scotland’s event portfolio, but also in promoting our cultural heritage and bringing beneficial impacts to all areas of the country. We look forward to seeing each of these events, which help to ensure Scotland’s reputation as the perfect stage for events is protected, take place over the coming weeks.”