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The renewable energy project Energy Revolution has been awarded charity status after they reached a goal of three million festival miles.

Energy Revolution works by encouraging audiences of festivals to donate fossil-fuel travel miles into 100 per cent renewable energy through its partnerships with Converging World in India and the Bristol Energy Co-op in the UK.

“This is a momentous occasion for Energy Revolution and a chance to celebrate the three million travel miles balanced since its inception in 2015,” said Ben Robinson director of Kendal Calling and an Energy Revolution Trustee. “But it’s the next 30 million miles that really matter.

“We want the festival industry to use its pioneering and caring spirit to help tackle climate change by balancing every festival travel mile, every year. Kendal Calling is proud to be part of Energy Revolution, and hopes that soon, all UK festivals will be joining us,” Robinson added.

The festival goers choosing to balance millions of travel miles will now be able to Gift Aid their donations, meaning a more promising future for the project-turned-charity.

Abi Edgar Energy Revolution project coordinator commented: “Ours is an industry built on endurance, creativity and commitment to the cause. It’s this approach that’s going to be essential in the fight against climate change. It’s only through everyone coming together on this issue, that we’ll be able to keep the party going.”