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Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that a number of outdoor attractions will be able to open in the UK as of Monday 15 June.

These include drive-in cinemas as well as zoos and safari parks. Social distancing measures will need to be installed at any venue which plans to open. Zoos will not be able to open indoor exhibitions, and catering facilities must be takeaway only.

In addition, the Prime Minister has said all shops are now allowed to open from Monday 15 June, as long as they follow Covid Secure guidelines.

A Downing Street spokesperson, quoted by The Parliamentary Review, said: “People are continuing to make huge sacrifices to reduce the spread of coronavirus and avoid a second spike, but we know it is tough and where we can safely open up more attractions, and it is supported by the science, we will do so.

“This is by necessity a careful process, but we hope the reopening of safari parks and zoos will help provide families with more options to spend time outdoors while supporting the industry caring for these incredible animals.”

A transcription of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s speech can be found here.