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Events industry job board website EventHub.Jobs has extended the deadline to complete the Annual Event Industry Salary Survey to 14 September.

The survey, launched in association with Access All Areas publisher Mash Media, aims to assess current salaries, benefits and ways of working, to see how they may change in the future.

EventHub.Jobs founder and specialist industry recruiter Robert Kenward said, “We are calling for everyone in the industry to come forward and spend 7 minutes to give us the data that our industry needs to build back in the coming years. We need to be able to benchmark salaries, benefits and ways of working. We also ask important questions about mental health, gender and ethnicity to be able to create a really accurate and rounded picture of our industry, of what employers are currently giving and what candidates want and need. The whole industry will benefit from this data and will be available to everyone. I urge you all to take seven minutes out of your day to complete the survey and help the industry bounce back.”

Mash Media editorial director Martin Fullard said, “As the events industry is not accurately measured by the Office for National Statistics, there is a distinct lack of accurate data from which we can build an accurate picture. That is why we must survey and assess our community regularly. This salary survey will be another critical piece of work which will shine a light on how our industry compares, giving both employers and employees a better understanding of the current landscape.”

Among the event operators to take part in the survey is Gill Tee (pictured), who is co-founder of Americana and country music festival Black Deer (cap. 20,000). She provides her views on the recruitment challenges facing the events industry.

What is the biggest recruitment challenge facing the industry now?

GT: The biggest challenge is that so many good people left the industry during covid, and never returned, either because of having the time to reassess their home/work life balance as it is so difficult in our industry, to work normal hours, or because they can earn more money on less challenging roles outside of events and festivals.  People just became disillusioned.  We have inexperienced new people coming in, which is great because we need new blood and ideas, but invariably they are given roles beyond their abilities, with less experienced people to train them up.

Could you share any initiatives you have implemented to help recruitment?

Most of the people we have worked with me over the years, have been taken on because I have seen them in a working environment, and they have impressed me with their work ethic, and enthusiasm.  I have always tried to help them develop their careers to do something that may not be the first role they started in, but they have shown an interest in getting involved in.  I have picked volunteers to work on projects, who have stood out, and put them on paid jobs on the next event.  It has resulted in some of them having very successful careers

How do you currently decide the salary for new starters?

It is always difficult to decide a rate that works for people just starting out.  So many considerations.  Budget is important, but it is important to recognise when someone who has just started out deserves more, if they are going above and beyond.  You can also balance out what you can afford, with a good working environment, training, and flexibility.

What do you think will happen to salaries in the 12-18 months?

I don’t think there has been much of an increase in our industry for a long time, and I do not see that changing anytime soon.  The festival industry has such small margins, especially in the independent sector.

What benefits are job seekers asking you for now and how do you think this may change over the next 12-18 months?

People want to work where they feel they can advance, and that they are treated with respect.  I think more people than ever want to be able to juggle home life and work better so if they are given an opportunity to do that I think that is a key to a happy team.

What would you say to someone thinking of coming into the industry?

Work hard, be open-minded, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, keep your humour, help those around you, and never think you know it all.  You will never stop learning.  Every job is different, every day is different, learn to be flexible, think on your feet, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.  You will not regret it, you will experience every emotion, but you will never be bored.

What do you think the industry can do to attract the next generation of talent?

Open the door. Respect them, teach them, don’t patronise, be approachable. I don’t think we will have a shortage of people who want to get into the business, but unless the people who have the power, gives them the opportunity to grow, they will leave disillusioned, and we need the next generation with new ideas, energy and the drive to do well in an environment that is sometimes really hard, but other times the most amazing experience you could ever have in a working life.

The survey can be completed here.

The findings will be published in November and will be available to download free as a whitepaper.