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Industry leaders have reacted to the Chancellor’s aid package for freelancers and the self-employed, which was announced 26 March.

Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, commented: “I would like to commend the Prime Minister, The Chancellor of the Exchequer and government for acting swiftly to facilitate support for the self-employed and freelancers.

“Great news, but there is some concern in terms of the detail and timeline, and the potential within this detail or criteria for some of the people we have battled to support to be left out in the cold. We are working hard to identify these gaps in provision, so we can push to ensure that the gaps are closed and everyone is accommodated for.”

A spokesperson for the National Outdoor Events Association commented: “At NOEA we do welcome the announcement from the government regarding support for freelancers and sole traders. It comes off the back of a lot of work by our association and others across the events industry.

“However, many of our members will be worried about the timing of these grants, which is a major issue given the cash flow issues they are having right now. Equally, we are actively looking for this measure to be extended for the events industry beyond the three-month period specified, as many of our freelancers are looking at having their whole season taken away. They will need support for a much longer period.

“However, in the immediate term, the support is there, and hopefully with further aid from banks and relief on other expenditure, this crucial part of the industry can get through the next few months.”