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Carl-Erik Michalsen Moberg, co-founder at TicketCO, walks Access through his career and a typical day in the life.

When did you first start working for TicketCo?

I started TicketCo together with my co-founder at the end of 2012. At the same time, I quit my job – a decision that was highly risky then, but has shown to be the wisest thing I’ve ever done.

What do you enjoy most about working in the events sector?

I’m thrilled by organisers. They’re my heroes. People who create events are making a huge difference for a lot of people, and if TicketCo can make life easier for them, then that is a great reason to get up in the morning.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love meeting new people, building a business and working across different cultures. I also never stop being impressed by all the wonderful events out there.

What is your favourite event location?

To pick one single favourite event location is an unbelievably hard question, but I think BaleJazz in Balestrand in the heart of the Sognefjord is one of the most beautiful ones. Check it out at The hospitality, the mood, the music, everything is just incredible, and I recommend everyone to check it out.

What has been your favourite event to date?

To name a favourite event is equally difficult, but I think Winter Music Conference in Miami in 2011 was one of the most amazing experiences I have had at an event.

What advice would you give someone looking to get into the events management industry?

I highly recommend the events management industry for those who are fond of people and want to bring joy into their lives. In this industry you learn a lot of things that you will never learn in any other industry. It is hard work and often late work hours, but it is worth every second. However, stay healthy and you will have a long career in the industry.

Talk us through a typical day.

There is no typical day if you’re the CSO in a fast-growing event payments company with offices and sales crews in four different countries. Still, I’ll give it a try to describe an average day in my travelling life, and I’ve picked Tuesday April 30th.

06:00 – Started out at the gym at The Curtain with our Country Manager in the UK, David Kenny. Then breakfast meeting.

10:00 – Meeting with a great entrepreneur and organiser who is growing very fast in the UK and has ambition to go global with us. This meeting was held at our office in Shoreditch.

13:00 – Meeting an investor in Mayfair.

15:00 – Meeting with an advisor as well as my Co-Founder to sum up the day in Mayfair.

17:00 – Had a very late lunch with the marketing team of TicketCo at the Ace Hotel.

19:00 – Wakeboarding at the Thames with the UK sales team and CEO Chris Legh at Junkyard Golf, who is a client of ours in the UK. A great experience even though the water is not as fresh as the fjords in Norway.

21:00 – Late Dinner at the Giant Robot in Canary Wharf

23:00 – Hotel – Sweet dreams

This day is like most days (except the wakeboarding that I try to do as much as I can in Norway)