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Over the next three months, the team behind event environmental sustainability initiative Vision: 2025 will be sharing the recordings of their Autumn #WeMakeTheFuture webinar series, hosted by climate change lobbying group Julie’s Bicycle.

Edition #1, the Net Zero Emissions and the Outdoor Events Industry, takes a close look at why ‘net zero’ matters and how the idea can be meaningfully translated for the outdoor events sector.

Julie’s Bicycle knowledge and sector intelligence lead Chiara Badiali speaks to Christopher Jones at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research about the Tyndall Centre’s work and their collaboration with Massive Attack. Meanwhile, Chris Johnson looks at Shambala Festival’s strategy over the last decade. Access the webinar HERE.

Other webinar’s in the series include Circular Economy And The Outdoor Events Industry, which explores how circular thinking can be adopted in the outdoor events industry, and Speaking Up, Speaking Out, Leading Change – which explores how the outdoor events industry can help to raise awareness and push for change.

Badiali said, “The enforced pandemic pause has given the live events community a unique opportunity to reflect on the way we work, and we want to inspire events to come back greener. Every year, the outdoor event industry green survey highlights that event organisers want more opportunities to learn from each other and from experts in the field, so we pulled together these webinars on why net zero is important, how to go about incorporating circular economy thinking into event design, and how the outdoor event community can use our incredible voice to speak out with campaigns like Climate Live and the UK Student Climate Network.”