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As festivals and outdoor events cross their fingers for a post lockdown return to business, Vision: 2025 is continuing its campaign to encourage organisers to come back greener.

Among Vision: 2025’s resources for event teams are recordings of the #WeMakeTheFuture Webinars, hosted by Julie’s Bicycle in conversation with event industry experts, which dive into topics which are key to a green recovery.

The recording of the second #WeMakeTheFuture webinar explains the principles behind Circular Economy and how it can be applied in relation to events, with guests Paul Shurink from Green Events Netherland and Live Nation Europe head of sustainability Patricia Yagüe.

Chiara Badiali, knowledge and sector intelligence lead at Julie’s Bicycle, leads the session and introduces the principles behind Circular Economy, which if embedded at the core of an event’s planning will lead to significant carbon impact reduction.

Schurink, discusses his work with the Dutch government to frame the country’s Green Deal in relation to festivals.

He says, “We realised early on our journey that we couldn’t consider waste as waste, and had to reframe it as a resource. Having signed up to the deal we went back to the government and got it rewritten and then examined several models to see what was the most effective on the ground. For example, we established how well different reusable cup systems actually worked and have published that knowledge.

“We have established the ‘International Green Deal of Circular Festivals’ to measure the circularity economy of a festival with tools to measure all resources, to achieve a true circular festival economy by 2025.”

Yagüe speaks about the Green Nation plastics commitment and talks through some of the projects her teams around Europe are working on to close different material loops.

Watch the webinar HERE